Personal trainers usually get clients with long list of special needs. As technology advances, exercise science continues to grow, equipments get more complicated and programming solutions for clients continues to advance. This shift has led to some confusion among personal trainers when it comes to designing a safe and effective exercise programme.

The process of learning new exercise programming methods and the science behind them seems to be easy when considered individually but it gets complicated when personal trainers trying to determine which training methods would be most appropriate for each client.

The ACE IFT Model is a comprehensive system for exercise programming that pulls together the multifaceted training parameters required to be a successful personal trainer. It organizes the latest exercise science research into a logical system that helps trainers determine appropriate assessments, exercises, and progressions for clients based on their unique health, fitness, needs and goals. The model consists of 4 phases…

Resistance Training

Stability & Mobility Training

Participant will learn how to implement low-intensity
exercise programmes to improve muscular balance,
muscular endurance, core function, flexibility and
static & dynamic balance to improve a client’s posture.

Movement Training

Trainers can help clients develop mobility within the
kinetic chain without compromising stability. Movement
training focuses on bend & lift, single-leg movements,
pushing, pulling and rotational movements.

Load Training

Once your client develop postural
stability and proper movement sequence,
exercise program is advanced with the
addition of an external force to promote
changes in body composition, muscular strength,
muscle hypertrophy or muscular endurance.

Performance Training

Participants will learn how to help
client improve speed, agility, quickness,
reactivity and power.

Cardiorespiratory Training

Aerobic-base Training

Participants will learn how to help clients who have
been sedentary or near-sedentary develop initial
aerobic base. This training will help client establish
baseline aerobic fitness to improve health and to serve
as a foundation for training for cardiorespiratory fitness
in the next phase

Aerobic Efficiency Training

The goal is to help client improve aerobic endurance
by raising intensity of exercise and to improve client’s
ability to utilize fat as a fuel source.

Anaerobic-endurance Training

Personal Trainer will learn how to help
improve client’s performance in endurance
events or train fitness enthusiasts for higher
levels of cardiovascular fitness.

Anaerobic Power Training

The primary focus of this phase is on building anaerobic
power. Client working in this phase will be training for
competition and have specific goals that related to short
duration, high-intensity intervals during longer endurance events.

Please contact us to know more about the New ACE Integrated Fitness TrainingTM Model
in our Personal Trainer Course.

January 2011 Intake is Open! Find out the early bird PROMOTION from us!