Ask yourself, have you ever struggled to coach your client on executing certain exercise?

Do we often emphasis alot on the new, fun & exciting workout like crossfit, P90X, Kettlebell, TRX?

What about certified trainer focused on improving strength , endurance, hypertrophy &  power for their client?

Before we progress them on the programme above, do we really understand their Functional Movement?

Do you know the fact that due to INACTIVITY will lead to POSTURAL DEVIATIONS which also cause WEAK MUSCLES that causes POOR MOVEMENTS MECHANICS that leads to INJURIES and at the end it causes DROP OUTS from keeping a healthy lifestyle.

Is there a need for regression?

The answers awaits you. We have all the tools for you to unlock and being able to coach your client safely and effectively.

Most of our clients come in with different conditioning and posture. Before moving them into any exercises the first and foremost step is to be sure enough that they are able to mobilize safely and effectively.

Learn the most important phase of all in training/exercise in our Functional Training & Corrective Exercise Course! You will get to know

  • how to assess your client’s posture, help and improve their posture for the benefits of daily activities or in sports performance.
  • You are able to distinguish correctible from non-correctible posture, develop and implement restorative exercise programs to restore good posture.
  • Prescribe a variety of exercises using a variety of techniques that progress clients from isolated, single joint muscle exercises to multiple joint, multiple plane movement training.
  • Correctly & safely train and spot clients using these techniques

Course Date: 3rd April 2011 Course Time: 9am – 6pm
Course Fee: RM540 (register before 25th March to get 20% Off)