We had our first TRX Suspension Training Course on the 21st & 22nd Feb 2011 and the class was full! The course instructor was Noppadol all the way from FIT Thailand and we have fitness professional from various fitness centers around Malaysia (Syella, Ayu, Darlene, Shardiana, Irene, Diamond, Kim, Key, Sanaz, Wenisa) and not to forget Timmy, who flew all the way from Brunei to attend the Suspension Training Course. Awesome attendance!
The start of the class
Noppadol briefing on TRX set up

Here we go!!
Participants were briefed on safety on using TRX by providing option for client with different fitness level Sedentary (Homer Simpson), Intermediate (Lois Lane), & Advanced (Superman) and experienced the movement for each fitness level through upper body, lower body & core exercises with the benefits of each exercise.

What’s more important was participant were taught how to instruct the move for their client and also program design to client with specific goal right before at the end of the course.

Training was fun 🙂
Of course, everybody was tired at the end of the course.
Overall, we received phenomenal feedback on the whole course and they find TRX Suspension Trainer will add a huge value in their PT sessions with the saying

Thanks to Noppadol the TRX instructor all the way from FIT Thailand for a great course and we are looking forward to have you here again.