Loved the way the coaches conducted the class.
The message delivered was really clear and they created a very fun, conducive and interactive learning environment. From the time I first inquired about the course, their representative has been attentively responding to my questions and they even sent a guide for parking prior to my classes. If you’re considering where u should get started on your fitness instructor journey, FITM is definitely recommended.

First day at FITM was beyond my expectations.
Educators & staffs are very friendly. Great facility. I am learning the finer points of fitness. I got to know new friends who are awesome. In brief, I learned the fundamental components of exercises through the ACT Model. And above all, I learned what the crucial components of our workouts are. I also learned the basics of performing lower body movements like squats & lunges. The warm-up techniques which I’ve learned today are also going to be very useful in my future workouts. Thanks a ton to FITM.
What I like the most is the course is SHORT & SWEET!
The way Ee Ling delivered the content is interesting and easy to understand especially for those instructors who rarely attend courses. Yes, I would definitely recommend you guys to others. I just passed your contact to others recently because I think you have a professional team with knowledgeable facilitators. My overall learning experience is described in a single word: AWESOME!!!

Definitely the right place for all the fitness professional to learn & seek advice.
By attending the Physique Specialist workshop, I learned quite a lot. The most important thing that I have learned from this 3-day workshop is that quality is way more important than quantity. Ego lifting is something that we all must refrain from if we were to see any changes in our physique. Lifting heavy is good.However, without utilizing principles like proper form and going full range of motion, the exercise will be very inefficient. I learned how difficult and effective lifting with proper method and tempo is. Normally, my workouts have about 5-7 exercises and I get to complete all of them. However in this workshop, I could only complete 3 exercises and I was already feeling terribly sore. That taught me that lifting the right amount of weight is the best way to put muscles at maximal work. Not only that, it also plays a significant role in keeping one injury-free and to continue lifting weights for a long time to come. That’s all from me. What I like about FITM is their positivity & enthusiasm in helping others to become a better fitness professional through courses & workshops. It is definitely the right place for all fitness professionals to learn and seek advice.

Took CPT and HIIT courses. Hopefully I can do a rehab course in December
Good educators. I can blend in easily with all of the educators because all of them are friendly and knowledgeable. I have never regretted taking courses with FITM. Took CPT and HIIT courses. Hopefully I can do a rehab course in December. Gaining plenty of knowledge, tactics, ideas as well as improving myself in fitness.

Educators are well trained and well-equipped and staffs are helpful! Choose FITM!
After months of researching myself a fitness professional development centre, I finally found one and I would highly recommend this centre to fitness enthusiasts who want to develop themselves further and be a world-class coach. Educators are well trained and well-equipped and staffs are helpful! Choose FITM!

Enjoyed my overall learning process and the educators really made the experience worth coming to.

The educators at FITM delivered a high standard of teaching and they deliver the classes in an engaging manner
An excellent one stop place for the development of fitness professionals. The educators at FITM delivered a high standard of teaching and they deliver the classes in an engaging manner.