A course that can makes you a better instructor; through communication and professional development.
A course that teaches you how to layer your group class and create success in every of your participants.
A course that equips you with exercise science and guidelines.
A course that touches the principle of strength, cardio and flexibility training.
That has gotta be GFIT – Group Fitness Innovative Teaching.
Brought to you by FiT, in collaboration with world class presenter and multiple award winner Lawrence Biscontini.
Our very first Specialist Certification workshop was held last August with the loudest and happening group of instructors. It was a full THREE days of intense workout with considerable amount of classroom learning time. They all came from different background but they attended the workshop for ONE reason: to be the instructor they’ve always wanted to be!

It was FiT Malaysia’s pleasure to be able to talk to 3 participants on the last day of the workshop. Meet Yuri, Josephine and Wai Hoong!
Did you guys enjoy the course?
J: Yes!
WH: Of course!
What makes the course enjoyable?
J: The people, the instructors and the participants.
WH: a lot of people from different backgrounds and experiences. We actually need to unlearn something in order to learn or relearn a new thing. The atmosphere of the class is just so warm and welcoming!
What’s your background?
WH: I used to teach group exercise classes but I focus more on corporate training now. Not entirely fitness-based but I do include some of them in my training programme, which is why I find this course useful and important to me.
J: I teach Zumba and that’s the reason why I signed up for this course. Because it complements what I do now and actually makes me realize what I need to work on, which helps me be a better instructor.
What did you get from GFiT course?
Y: You can be a yoga instructor, spinning instructor, etc but if you don’t have a good class structure; it would be difficult to deliver a good class. This course gives you basic structuring guidelines to design your class plan .
WH: yeah I agree with that.
J: what I read from the course description is what I get after the class. Which is fair. (thumbs up!)
What are the new things you’ve learned from GFiT?
WH: Plenty! Like the 20:20:20, the last phase is called the final phase but not cool down. Besides, I’ve learnt much more total body movement which is more functional. Time to include new stuff into a group training program!
J: I didn’t know that it’s better to start with strength before going to cardio. Through GFiT, I’m more confident in promoting strength to my class and would totally include that after this.
How did this course add values to what you are doing now?
WH: GFiT can be applied in my daily life and things that I’m doing. Through the communication skills component, I learnt how people learn which I can actually apply in my corporate classes. Being a group fitness instructor, communication skills are essential, which makes GFiT really special and definitely add values and unique selling point in this course.
J: I took the ACE-CPT course here at FiT many many years before and going through this course makes me remember again all those stuff that I have learned and frankly speaking I’ve forgotten. Not all but some of it. *laugh* This is a really good refresher.
Who would benefit this course?
J: I believe group exercise instructors or people going into group exercise training will definitely benefit from GFiT. It is a good option to kick start your fitness career. Then maybe continue with your ACE-CPT or any other personal trainer certifications.
WH: In my opinion, this course would really benefit the human resource people. In every company, they need to have healthy people working with them. So, this course would definitely be great for them. Ideas that we get in this course can be used for employees training.
Y: Interesting WH, I kind of agree with you. We need to educate the trainers of trainers, the managers and the people who hire instructors. So we can have a standard in group training in our fitness industry.
What do you wish to see in GFiT in the future?
Y: A good network of GFiT alumni working and interacting with each other to make this industry better. I can’t wait to see that in the future.
J: yeah I would love to see that too. Like joining other GFiT instructor’s classes, have fun and at the same time learn from one another.
WH: Networking. Yeah I agree on that too.

With much gratitude, we would like to thank our master trainer Kim and Amie, and participants who should be now great instructors for making our very FIRST GFiT Specialist Cerificate workshop a success!
If you miss this one, watch out for the next one in November!