Our Personal Trainer Course has Evolved
Now, not only you will be prepared for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer exam, you will be equipped with the right skills & experience to become a personal trainer of international standard.
The Personal Trainer course is now 90-hour which has both classroom and on-the-job elements.
Classroom activities consists of face to face lectures, role plays, practical sessions, & interactive sessions. Modules covered are as follows:-
Practical Exercise Techniques – learn how to demonstrate and teach safe and effective exercise techniques
Communication Skills & Client Assessment – explore how to encourage clients to start and stick to exercise programmes through health and fitness appraisal, goal setting, communcation, teaching and motivation techniques.
Training Principles & Progression – review exercise principles and methods for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating safe and effective exercise programmes for healthy adults. Be amused with the infamous ACE Integrated Fitness Training Model. Find out more from http://www.acefitness.org/getcertified/IFTModelPT.aspx
Special Considerations – understand common medical conditions & musculoskeletal injuries and learn how to make exercise modifications
Professional Conduct – learn scope of practice, the roles & responsibilities of the Personal Trainer, ethical behaviour for PT, business and legal considerations for PT
Applied Exercise Science – includes fundamental knowledge of human movement, including human anatomy, exercise physiology, kinesiology and nutrition

On-The-Job Training
During the 90 hour PT course, you will be required to complete a `Live Case Study’ as part of the certification requirement. This means that you will need to train `somebody for real’ the ACE way. In order to help you simulate what the actual job is like, we will get real paying clients for you from our sister company (EMPOWERED!)

What you will benefit from this `Live Case Study’ is the personal mentoring and coaching by our master trainers/fitness educators. We will be there during the first interviewing session so both master trainers and students understand client expectations. We will then plan & run the assessment sessions together. Once assessment session and test evaluation are done, the master trainers will work with you to design a safe and effective programme (the ACE way) for the client. Master Trainers will ensure you know how to carry out upcoming PT sesssions by providing you personal mentoring sessions and feedback sessions.

Upon completion of the 90 hour PT course, you will sit for the ACE exam. Once you are certified, you will have the right level of confidence & skills to take on your FIRST client irregardless if it is in commerical gyms, free lance or PT studios.

Who are the master trainers, trainers and facilitators?
We are successful & experienced ACE-certified fitness professionals, who comes with many years of experience in personal training or fitness managing. We are also practitioners of different fields in the fitness industry who understand what client wants and we follow internationally accepted practices. Find out more from:-
Can I get a job after being ACE-certified?
ACE-certified personal trainer has the most demand in our country. On top of that, we also provide career placement
Our next intake of Personal Trainer is in July 2011. Call us today so we can help you to understand the course better.
Are you ready to get paid for what you love doing?