Most of the time upon graduation, the graduate is unemployed; unless of course he or she has been job hunting in advance and landed themselves a career of their choice. The fitness industry in Malaysia has always been lack of manpower and fitness centres and studios are constantly looking for certified personal trainers, fitness instructors and group fitness instructors. Local university University Putra Malaysia (UPM) wanted to improve their students’ job competencies in the industry hence they worked with Malaysia’s Ministry of Education to organize a Certified Personal Trainer – American Council on Exercise (ACE) course for the local university undergraduates.
After collaborations with University Malaya (UM) and University Sains Malaysia (USM) not too long ago, we have finally completed the Certified Personal Trainer (ACE) course in UPM. We have undergraduates from various universities such as UPM, UiTM, UKM, UPSI, UMS who joined the course! Not only did they go through the said workshop, they have also completed the ACE PT pen and paper exam on 21 June 2014. While waiting for their results to be released, we walked around the hall after the exam was over and gathered some feedbacks from the participating students.
“It is more towards hands on.” “I learn better from the practical classes.” said most of the class participants.
[box] Undergraduates students and lecturers from UPM, UiTM, UKM, UPSI, UMS observing Jerrican on ways to instruct and observe a correct exercise technique[/box] .
“The course is more client-oriented (practical-oriented) compared to the mostly-theory-oriented sessions in university.” Madam Roxana, who lectures in UPM, says that “the stability & mobility exercises component in the course was informative, as well as the corrective exercises suggested. We do not have this in the university.”
Syariman from UPM, “I gained a better understanding on the proper and safe way to conduct exercises”
“This PT course gave me a broader aspect on dealing with different types of clients” said Abdul Habi Ruslan from UiTM “We were exposed to a more practical way of dealing with many types of clients, while our degree program focused more on the sciences.
Majority of the participants found that the course made them realize the importance of communication skills. “I learned how to build rapport with prospects and deal with clients”.
“I learn how to do fitness programming better now from the ACE IFT Model”. Allan Lajot and Christopher Pok commented the course has changed the way they look at the fitness industry. Both of them are UPM’s Department of Sports Studies’ staff and UMS Sports Science student respectively.
Would you encourage other Sports & Exercise students go through ACE PT course?
10 out of 10 said yes. In summary, the reasons why were ‘because the course provided them with a greater knowledge which can be applied practically and also improved what they have learnt in university degree’. Dr. Tengku Fadilah said that the course provided ‘useful knowledge and being a ACE certified Personal Trainer increased their marketability as most fitness centres preferred to hire certified trainers’.
Group photos!
Among the top 3 things the course participants felt best about the course are:
“Educators are helpful, knowledgeable, experienced, friendly, and cheerful”. Secondly, Fitness Innovations Malaysia’s educators teaching method enhanced the learning experience. Students are overwhelmed with the course delivery method. “The classes are interesting and I did not feel sleepy at all”. Nurul Wahida (UPM) commented that the class are more on group discussion, and this kept the class lively and engaging. Thirdly were the practical sessions and hands on experiences they obtained from the course. Suzila from UiTM says she liked the overall class experience, and that the practical part of the course and group discussions implemented helped her apply the knowledge better in exercise programming. Some also mentioned on the benefits of the ACE IFT Model in being a better Personal Trainer in the personal training business.
We would like to thank Dr. Tengku Fadilah from UPM for making this course a reality for the local universities undergraduates and to everyone who has contributed on the feedback for the course!