It is rare we get an American in the class. But this time, we have Mamou. A help he lent his uncle to move, has resulted his encounter with a very special book which changed his life forever. Read on to find out what book is that.
Standing at about 6 feet tall and looking like a mobile human anatomy encyclopedia, Mamou shares his story…
1.Where are you from?
New Rochelle, New York.. I’ve been in KL for almost 6 years, and I’m currently taking my American Council on Exercise (ACE) certification at FiT Malaysia!
2.Why did you decide to take the personal trainer course at FiT?
Well, I’ve always enjoyed sports, and exercise. Just like any other normal teenage guy, I always wanted to be the fastest, strongest, smartest one in the group. I have two huge muscular uncles and when one of them was moving, my grandfather and I helped him pack his things. I was about 13 at this time. While digging through his bodybuilder magazines, I found a book by Arnold Schwarzenegger. I’m not sure what the name was, I think it was “The Diary of a Bodybuilder”, or something like that.

We bet Mamou was too young to remember the name of this book
I read that book over and over and used the old cheap set of dumbbells my grandparents had in their basement to the best of my abilities. I couldn’t move my arms for about a week after that haha.
Ever since then I had been trying to improve my body in whatever way possible. Strength, Speed, Endurance, Power, Agility, and so on.. I tried every sport I could think of, and felt at home with each one. After I moved to Malaysia, and finished High School, I had trouble deciding what I wanted to do with my life. All of my friends were going to college and studying things like business, law, accounting, economics, and all of those other boring subjects, but I knew it wasn’t for me..I wanted to keep moving!
Long story short, I found out about FiT Malaysia thanks to our good ol’ friend Google, and called them up as soon as I could. After hearing Kim’s beautiful voice, I was hooked, and I’m glad I joined! Surely one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life!
3. How’s the learning going? Share your experiences?
The teachers are AMAZING to say the least! All of the classes are fun and entertaining! Most importantly I’ve learned so much..

4. Why do you think it is better to go through formal learning at FiT rather than self-studying?
I cant really trust myself to sit down and study seriously haha. I prefer to learn with other people anyway, I like to meet new people, and work in a group so that everyone can help each other. Being a trainer it’s important to know how to deal with different types of people and studying alone doesn’t really help at all. By going to class I can learn more from the teacher and ask questions if necessary. There are loads of reasons why I think studying in a class is better than alone at home..
5.What top 3 qualities you think a personal trainer should possess?
5.Hmmm that’s a hard one. There are loads of qualities I think a PT should have, I couldn’t put them in order, but here or three I think would be on the top for sure..
i- Experience.. Practice what you preach! No one is gonna want advice on how to get abs from someone with a huge belly! You cant really recommend something you haven’t done yourself, and the more experience you get them more you learn.
ii- Knowledge.. A PT should know for sure for sure what’s best for his/her client, and why..For safety reasons as well..
iii- A certification! I never payed much mind to it before, but now it is extremely important in my mind. Not only so that the client feels like safe and in good hands, but also so that the trainer has something to fall back on, security, and to be able to say “I’m a Certified Personal Trainer” Sounds nice doesn’t it?
6.What are you going to do when you graduate?
Work my Glutes off 😉
7. What’s your fitness goal?
To be as Fit as I can be!
8. What’s your fitness programme like?
VERY mixed up.. I always do a bit of everything!
9.Can you share your typical weekly workout?

I go to the gym in the mornings about 4 times a week for resistance training and try to hit about two muscle groups each time.. Normally during the afternoons I’m doing some type of cardio.. Boxing, Karate, Boot Camp, or Jogging.. But on Wednesdays, I sleep 🙂
10..What word of advice would you provide others who are thinking of becoming a personal trainer?
If you love Fitness, then do it!