Our second interview in A Series of Interviews – with some of our FIT students who are making waves in the local fitness industry. We had a chat with Kulasingam (ACE Certified Personal Trainer), Fitness Director of One on One Personal Training Studio located in Northpoint, Midvalley .
Hi Kula, so what are you up to these days ?
Well, I’m doing my same routine everyday – morning up to 12pm I will train my client. Right after that I will look into my management work. There’s a lot to be done here. But I’m taking it one step at a time.
How are things at One on One Personal Training Studio ?
Things are fine here. We have our good days and bad days as well. I guess that’s how business is. Beginning of the year was very busy till around June. But nowadays its a little quiet, as we expected.
You’re a busy man. How do you find time to unwind and how do you relax ?
Yup I am ! Something or another will pop up. But I always make sure that I take my breaks too. I will have a break every 3 months. I would plan holidays – local and overseas trips – at the beginning of the year with the help of my wife.
Do you still make it a priority to workout ? What is your workout routine like ?
Yes I do workout. Its a priority for me and whoever that is working with
me. You have to be the product of the product being in the fitness
industry. I make sure I train myself 5-6 times a week with no excuses.
Here’s what Kula’s workout routine looks like :-
Monday & Thurday – chest/tricep/cardio 30mins
Tuesday & Friday – legs/abs/shoulder/cardio 30mins
Wednesday & Saturday – back/bicep/cardio 30mins
Sunday – Rest day !!!
How do keep motivated to stay fit ?
There’s a lot ! Let me share a few things … Training myself to stay fit and preaching the same to others. The business that I’m doing, the people that I deal with, clients who are always pumped up for training to see results and the ambiance that I’m in. These are some of the things that keep me motivated to stay fit.
How about nutrition ? Are you a healthy eater ?
Yes I’m pretty much a healthy eater. But not over the weekend, that’s when I do indulge 🙂
The year is coming to an end … Did you set yourself any goals for 2012 that you can share with our readers ?
Well, I’m the type of person that always workout. Having a GOOD physique is not GOOD enough. But to have a BETTER physique is what I strive for. That is my goal and of course, to help as many people as possible to acheive their fitness goal !
Lastly, Kula, any comments on the Malaysian fitness industry and how you see One on One Studio role in it ?
I have been in the industry for more than a decade and fitness has grown in that time, to be almost comparable to the west. Yet we still have to look into developing/brushing up what you call “people skills” in consistency in training, punctuality, rapport building etc when it comes to personal training. One on One is on the way to setting up a new standard in personal training, a better approach towards clients, helping them to acheive their goal by changing their lifestyle instead of focusing on acheiving sales numbers like what happens in the commercial fitness centres. As well, we want to set an example for all those dedicated personal trainers.