Continuing with our Exam Tips from Tuesday, we have more advice from our Education Facilitators to our FIT students, who will be taking their ACE exam IN 2 DAYS TIME !!!

• Follow your gut feeling. Read the question properly and once you’ve answered it, don’t change it. It will only confuse you more. If you are unsure, skip it and come back to it later.
– Wenisa Ng,
Course Facilitator & Owner of Activ Studio

•Focus on understanding key terms and concepts and don’t worry about memorizing. Be relaxed and use your time well during the exam.
– Jon Wong,
Course Facilitator & Owner of Pushmore Studio

• Stop burning the midnight oil ! Its too late to study few days before the exam. By now you should understand the theory and terms but not overload your poor brain! Just relax your mind … and if you really want to memorize, memorize the guidelines.
– Key, ACE PT Main Course Facilitator

• All the best ! If you have been reading up consistently and reinforcing the things you learnt in class, you will be FINE. The first step is BELIEVING that you will ace the exam! Power of positive thinking. If you ARE cramming in last-minute (like most of us), then I strongly suggest you look at each chapter’s key concept and terms, and understand them. When you answer the exams, put yourself in the shoes of the client, and how you would keep things safe for the client. Get enough sleep, and make sure you have enough complex carbs before the exam to fuel you during the exam (it’s a LONG exam). Now go ACE the exam!”
– Simran Latif, Course Facilitator & Head of Original Bootcamp

• Close your book, rest well & PREPARE to FIGHT.
Jeannie Thong, FiT CPR Instructor


• Don’t worry, be happy.
Embrace this obstacle with confidence and be strong no matter what the outcome is!

– Garrett Teh, Course Facililator & Cergas FiT Manager